Remote Work From Home While Remaining Sane

Because of COVID-19, businesses throughout America are requiring employees to stay home and take part in the “world’s largest work-from-home experiment.” Made up in our most dressy lounge-wear, i.e. pajamas, working from home might seem like a comfy-cozy cakewalk. However, after a few days, most people begin to feel a bit stir crazy.

Anyone who already works remotely knows the excitement can quickly move to loneliness to disconnectedness and back again, and it’s still a cycle that you must consciously work through over time. Keeping connected with company culture, including regular video meetings, notes or small rewards in the mail and check-ins can help make working remotely not only effective but also entertaining.

If you happen to be one of the many who are beginning this new life of work from home — whether alone or with your family members and pets — here are some helpful resources and advice to assist you in remaining sane and make the transition as smooth as possible.

Resources for Working Remotely and Staying Productive

Resources for Keeping Your Kids Engaged and Learning

Remote Work Tips From Fair Marketing

  • Designate an area as your work space. Don’t work in bed or on the couch unless you’re sick. Save those spots for relaxing and unwinding. During the 8-5 workday, make your workspace seem like the office as much as possible — even if it’s your kitchen island temporarily turned into a desk area during the day.
  • No pajamas. Come on… you should feel like you’re actually “going to work” and put yourself into that headspace. At the very least, style your upper half respectable so you feel and look a bit more professional and are ready for video calls.
  • Set your playlists to motivate. Background music can support productivity when feeling restless while working from home, especially when family members and pets are home with you. Placing your headphones in can help you drown out the background noise and focus.
  • Schedule healthy breaks. Plan 15-minute breaks between calls or meetings for stretching, taking a walk, sitting on your porch, etc. Plan for some breathing room.
  • Eat. Take time for an actual lunch break where you walk away from your computer and prepare a meal and enjoy it. Also, be sure to schedule snacks in between calls and meetings because no one wants to be that person munching during a video call.
Fair Marketing

