AI Is the Next Big Disruptor After Voice Search

Marketing in 2018 is a whole new ball game – chatbots and virtual assistants are not only here to stay but here to make our lives easier and more robust. Within the realm of the search marketing space, there has been a lot of chatter regarding voice search. Many are projecting voice search as the next big thing – in fact, as the next marketplace metronome.

Voice search is dominating text-based searches because we are a device-based user world right now. However, voice is only a small part of the disruption taking place today. Conversational AI is where the fireworks are really happening.

It can be tricky to distinguish between voice search and voice-assisted engagements via digital assistance (aka conversational AI). Let’s outline the differences between the two entities of AI and voice search and help marketers see how to take advantage of both.

Voice Search vs. Conversational AI

Voice search really is not so revolutionary. AI-based technology for natural language processes that enable voice searches is pretty amazing; however, voice search is just a method in which people connect with search engines.

Two other ways are through typing or text and through images. When we contemplate about voice search versus conversational AI (the voice assistance component) distinguishing that searches are continuously happening is fundamental. Determining how searches are actually input is what’s disrupting the marketplace.

The typed or texted input into Google, Bing, Yahoo can now be spoken into third parties like Alexa, Cortana, Google Assistant, Siri and the like. Those third party digital assistants engage with your voice. So, now saying, “Hey, Siri”, or “a href=”″ target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>Hey, Alexa,” whenever you have a question or something you want information about is becoming second nature.

These digital assistants engage directly with corresponding search engines to tap into the knowledge graph as well as their specific knowledge repository to deliver a response.

This is conversational AI and it is on the cusp of shifting the way people engage with search.

The Age of Touch as The Primary Interface Is Fading

A shift in how people engage with search is forming. Initially, we only had the option of typing in a question to a search box, hitting enter and waiting for a page of relevant and derived responses. As marketers, we are used to developing programs and marketing plans in an era where touch and screens are the primary user interfaces between consumers and devices. This is slowly being disrupted.

We’re entering the age of conversational interfaces driven by our voices with deliveries of spoken responses. It puts new and real opportunity on the horizon. You now must understand the language your customers speak so you can offer value and answers back in their own words and phrases. So, let’s conclude with that.

Understanding How People Speak to AI

Text-based searches are typically one to three words because people know that’s all you need to get the top results back in a search. But a conversational AI for voice-assisted search makes people lose their minds and they start talking like they are chatting with a buddy and the next thing you know… ok, I exaggerate… but they are typically longer ranging about four to six words.

These are the types of details that using conversational AI with search will have to take into account in order to have top results in the near future. Two worlds colliding into one bottom line – search results that deliver are the ones that will carry the future AI and voice search.

Fair Marketing

