5 Ways to Build More Effective Marketing E-mails

When we write and design e-mail drip campaign for our clients, conversion is always at the forefront of our minds. After all, even open rates aren’t enough to demonstrate that we’re really accomplishing anything for the businesses we serve. Conversion is where relationships are built and where money is made.

In the past, increasing CTR was more art than science. We often made educated guesses and ran A/B tests to ensure we were running the most effective version of any given e-mail.

And while we don’t plan on abandoning A/B tests any time soon, smart data analytics provided us with an email blueprint for creating conversions as soon as they hit customer inboxes. This means we only have to tweak and fine-tune to go from good to great.

These five insights are actionable and easy to pull off. There’s no reason why we can’t observe all five of these guidelines every time we create e-mails for our customers.

Tip #1: Don’t overdo it on images:

Make sure each image is as visually appealing as possible, but don’t make the emails too “busy.” For most of our customers the ideal number of images is 2-3, no more and no less.

There’s one exception, however. Spa and salon customers tend to respond very well when seeing as many as 14-15 images! This suggests that spa customers want to experience a little bit of bliss from the moment they open the e-mail.

Tip #2: Watch The Word Count:

Data from Constant Contact indicates that 20 lines of text (about 500 words) is the optimum length for most e-mails: long enough to convey good, useful information but short enough to avoid boring the reader.

There is one industry exception: non-profit organizations. They can consistently get away with up to 30 lines of text. Most likely because subscribers are more willing to give non-profits the benefit of the doubt.

Tip #3: Use Bright, Bold Buttons:

Bright, bold call-to-action buttons accomplish several things at once.

First, they help the call-to-action stand out by making the click itself more appealing. Second, a bright button makes it easier for a “skimmer” to get straight to the point and do whatever it is you want him or her to do.

Third, these buttons show better on mobile than simple-link calls to action do. Since mobile has now officially overtaken desktop as the primary method people access the Internet, it’s important to cater to the mobile market whenever we can.

Tip #4: Be Enthusiastic:

Try not to overdo the exclamation points, but it’s perfectly okay to convey energy and excitement in your email campaigns. Ideally, your reader will feel those emotions himself and be far more excited about saying “yes” to you.

Of course, the emotion you wish to evoke might change based upon what the customer’s desired action.

For example, a non-profit may be invested in invoking sadness or compassion over the plight of the people they’re trying to help, or pride with what they’ve accomplished. Just make sure your e-mails aren’t dry and factual, even when you’re addressing C-level executives. Dry, boring emails are quickly forgotten and tossed aside.

Tip #5: Tell Customers What You Want Them to Do:

Reading is a passive activity. Shifting your readers from passive to an active, doing-something mode means using words that kick-start their brain.

You’re not always selling something when you write a call-to-action…you may be trying to get feedback, or get sign-ups on a social media page.

But you’re always trying to provoke some form of action. Use action words like “register,” “get,” “claim,” or “join.” Avoid the word “buy.” Everyone likes to get stuff, but nobody really likes to buy. “Buy” is where people start balking, and that’s the last thing we want them to do!

Bonus Tip: Keep an Eye on New Data:

These figures and best practices can shift at any time, they evolve with their industries. That’s why we keep our eyes open in order to keep following best practices. This way, our clients enjoy the top-notch results we’re known for.



Fair Marketing

